June 12
Weekly Meeting
85th Street Interchange on I-29

The long-awaited approval has finally come through for construction of the new I-29 interchange at 85th Street. Engineering design work is expected to be completed this year and bidding will take place in 2024. But development activity has already started around the area and more is on the drawing boards. Developers Joel Ingle from Harr-Lemme and Jake Quasney from Lloyd Companies will be sharing the latest plans with Downtown Rotary members. Rotarian Joel Dykstra will moderate the conversation.
The buffet lunch will be available beginning at 11:30 am. The menu will be: Fajita Bar: Fajita Beef and Fajita Chicken, Sauteed Onions, Peppers, Soft Shells, Shred Lettuce, Cheese, Salsa, Sour Cream, Cajun tots, Refried Beans, Tossed Salad, Fruit, and Dessert. RSVP is not required.