November 4
Weekly Meeting
Ballot Measure Series: Referendum on Senate Bill 201 (Carbon Pipelines)

Join us for Rotary at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance on Monday, November 4th. We'll be hosting the final program in our Ballot Measure Series. Rotarian Tom Simmons will sit down with proponents and opponents of the Referendum on Senate Bill 201.
According to Ballotpedia, "The measure is a referendum on Senate Bill 201 (SB 201). SB 201 provides requirements for regulating carbon dioxide pipelines used in carbon capture and storage systems. These systems take carbon emissions from emission sources, such as oil and gas plants or factories, transport them through pipelines, and store them underground to reduce their emission into the atmosphere.SB 201 allows counties to enact a $1 per linear foot surcharge on related pipeline companies. For each county where a carbon dioxide company installs a pipeline, the company must report to the county the linear footage of the carbon dioxide pipeline installed in the county. At least half of the surcharge revenue would be allocated toward property tax reductions for affected landowners. SB 201 also preempts any local law or regulation regarding carbon pipeline policies, and prevent local governments from enacting or enforcing local regulations regarding carbon pipelines."
The buffet lunch will be available for purchase at the door beginning at 11:30 am. The
menu will be: Stir Fry (Chicken or Beef) with Egg Rolls and Salad Bar.
The presentation, at the club’s regular weekly meeting, will be held at the South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance in Sioux Falls and will begin at noon. All Downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club programs are open only to Rotarians and their guests. All programs are subject to the club's Privacy Policy. Local media are invited to attend to record the session.
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