August 21
Weekly Meeting
Childcare is Serious Business

The connection between childcare, early education, and economic vitality is clear. Investment in childcare and early learning means more income for families, more jobs, and greater economic growth. The lack of affordable and accessible childcare options in Sioux Falls has become a significant concern for families and local businesses. The Sioux Falls Childcare Collaborative (SFCC) is a leading force on this important issue and has compiled a set of community specific recommendations to help solve for the growing childcare crisis. (to meet the needs of working parents, businesses, and the community at large) On August 21st, Rotarian Brienne Maner will discuss the recommendations with Kerri Tietgen, CEO of EMBE; Karen Rieck, Founder of Mrs. Karen's Childcare and Preschool; and Rotarian Rana DeBoer, CVO of Volt Strategy and SFCC Coordinator.
The buffet lunch will be available beginning at 11:30 am. The menu will be: Pot Roast, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Chef’s Vegetables, Tossed Salad, Fresh Fruit, and Chef’s Dessert. RSVP is not required.
The presentation, at the club’s regular weekly meeting, will be held at the Holiday Inn City Centre, Sioux Falls and will begin at noon. All Downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club programs are open only to Rotarians and their guests. All programs are subject to the club's Privacy Policy. Local media are invited to attend to record the session.
Rotary International is one of the premier service organizations in the world. The Rotary Club of Downtown Sioux Falls is among the largest 20 clubs in the world. For more information on how to become a mentor or involve your organization in mentoring visit