March 25

Weekly Meeting

Women in Construction

The March 25th program will highlight women in construction who literally shape our communities through their work. Joining us will be Allison Dvorak, Facility Development Director, Avera Health; Andrea Smith, Project Executive, McGough Construction; Liz Stanton, Architect, Schemmer; Stacey McMahan, Principal at Koch Hazard Architects; Katrin Profilet, Vice President/ Co-Owner, P&M Steel Company; and Sara Lum, Vice President, Startup Sioux Falls.

The buffet lunch will be available beginning at 11:30 am. The menu will be: Cranberry Balsamic Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Chef's Vegetable, Tossed Salad & Dessert. RSVP and online payment is required by 5 pm on Wednesday, March 20th. If you miss the deadline, please still join us for Rotary, but lunch will not be available.

The presentation, at the club’s regular weekly meeting, will be held at the Holiday Inn City Centre, Sioux Falls and will begin at noon. All Downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club programs are open only to Rotarians and their guests. All programs are subject to the club's Privacy Policy. Local media are invited to attend to record the session.

Rotary International is one of the premier service organizations in the world. The Rotary Club of Downtown Sioux Falls is among the largest 25 clubs in the world. For more information on how to become a mentor or involve your organization in mentoring visit